          A.R. 早春的消息 Anthony Reynolds 早春的消息(以下翻譯自Newsletter) Pre - spring News. 才完成 Anthony Reynolds的文章沒多久 官方站就傳來好消息勒~首先Anthony最新個人專輯已完成暫定曲目如下: British Ballads is finished.Here’s the preliminary running order: BRITISH BALLADSI'm leavingThose Kind of SongsI Know you knowBread and WineCountry GirlThe disappointedA Quiet lifeThe Hill(You get me) To 賣屋my mind on TimeGirls with GlassesNow it beginsJust so you knowWhere The Dead Live 可是後製及包裝等作業尚未完成 (其實只要有label肯發行我就謝天謝地了Orz )While it still has to be mastered, packaged etc It has finally been recorded and mixed.Halleluiah.這就是那家慈善機構......喔不,是願意發行這張專輯的唱片公司但 結婚話說回來,小白兔竟然有代理Spinney Records去官網查查,這家2003年後成立的英國獨立民謠廠牌雖然很小倒也蠻適合Anthony只是有點驚訝製作人不是他自己It was produced, mixed and mostly engineered (Joe did some)by upcoming sonic maestro Julian Simmons at Din Studios in London's limehouse. 至於我最關心的 Jack首張專輯 Pioneer Soundtracks重發 現正處於談合約的階段( 酒店打工基本上這張專輯會有想人重發就是個奇蹟, 所以我還是不要抱太大期望) Regarding the Re-release of Jack's 'Pioneer Soundtracks'...Licensing terms are at present being considered. Meanwhile the proposed tracklisting looks like this: PIONEER SOUNDTRACKS REDUXE 原專輯曲目  ...of LightsWintercomessummer White Jazz Biography of a First Son Filthy Names I Didn't 酒店兼職Mean it Marie F.U. Dress You In Mourning Hope Is A Liar Anthony提供的預定Bonus曲目如下:Biography of first Son (Demo)Hey! Josephine... (B Side)The Ballad of Misery and heaven (B side)Ballad for a beautiful Blonde eye (B side)The Seventh Day (B side)I was drunk in the underworld (B side)Jose's dream (Live studio outtake)White Jazz (single mix)Wintercomessummer (Single mix)Live in 賣房子Cigale, Paris France. November 1996:F.U.Of lightsWhite jazzSaturday's planNico's childrenSteamin'Video:Biography of a first son (Promo)Live at Dublin Castle 1994:White JazzFilthy NamesDress you in Mourning All of the above is subject to change, but one has to start somewhere.目前清單看起來還不錯,如果多一些MV會更好 接下來是文字部分的出版情形Journalism:The current issue of 'Sonik' has 辦公室出租 a lavishly illustrated nine page interview with David Sylvian by A.R. Painstakingly translated into the Greek by Maria Paroussi. Thankyou Maria. Anthony在希臘似乎一直有一定的知名度這篇是他專訪他的偶像David Sylvian,訪談內容被翻成希臘文出版於Sonik雖然我很體諒翻譯者的辛苦,但是幹麻跟我們講這種很難買到的雜誌就算買到也看不懂就算看的懂可能也翻的差強人意(好啦~ 我純粹是很想看又看不到所以故意抱怨而已 -__-)要買雜誌請點 結婚西裝這裡 Order it here: The new issue of 'The Minds Construction' includes a piece by A.R on 'Country life'. (Not the Roxy Music record, but on actually living among trees, wheat, and people who make the characters on 'The Archers' seem like the Bloomsbury set by comparison).這又是一本名不見經傳的獨立雜誌 查了一下Anthony的作品將收錄於『第一期』(出版日01Mar200 宜蘭民宿6。不就是今天嗎) The forthcoming Summer issue of 'Stop Smiling' will feature Anthony's account of meeting Robert Wyatt last January.這也是一本獨立小眾文化雜誌 雖然不確定 但似乎在誠品有看過Robert Wyatt屬於Canterbury Scene/Canterbury Sound分類此分類泛稱於1960年代晚期至1970年代,在英國Kent/Canterbury陸續興起的前衛搖滾音樂家可惜這位先生的歷史我並不瞭解 The Walker Brothers Bi 賣房子ography has been unavoidably delayed due to extraneous circumstance. It is now scheduled for a summer release.Keep checking here for details:來自洛杉磯,卻意外在英國走紅的20年代三人樂團 Walker Brothers但是我不太清楚Anthony在這本傳記的角色 總之相關訊息請密切注意Anthony個人網站:www.anthonyreynolds.net取自官方站的最新玉照 (看來AR也開始往阿伯路線發展了~ *嘆*)心得:想要有氣質又能與主流文化脫節的藝文資訊喜歡Anthony Reynolds準沒錯的?結婚?XD  .

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